Sunday 8 March 2015

Seminar Poolas tervislikest eluviisidest

23.-31. mail toimub Gdanski linnas, Poolas rahvusvaheline seminar "Active and Healthy Lifestyle". Seminari eesmärgiks on välja arendada uusi meetmeid, kuidas MTÜd saaksid aktiivset ja tervislikku eluviisi propageerida.

Seminarile on oodatud 36 osalejat kümnest erinevast riigist ning nende hulgas otsime veel kahte osalejat ka Eestist!

Kandideerima ootame huvilisi vanuses 18+.

Majutus, toitlustus ja programm kõik kaetud. Transpordikulud kaetakse 275 euro ulatuses vastavalt Erasmus+ programmile. Seega on osalemine täiesti TASUTA!

The aim of the seminar is to seek new roles for NGOs in the context of the dissemination and promotion of active and healthy lifestyle, the gain (or develop) the fashion for such behavior, providing young people with information (in the range of healthy eating habits and the need for physical activity into everyday life) spreading good practice, combining the results of the projects and participate in seminars with the obvious goal of increasing the pool of partners for future cooperation, develop networks and as a end result reliable, international cooperation organizations at various levels. 
The project will be mainly in the form of workshops, but the topics discussed will also be lectures and panel discussions, presentations prepared by participants, interactive discussion and exchange of experiences. A comparative analysis will be applied to the accumulated material required to draw conclusions and develop methods of strategic partnerships for future activities of the organization.

After this project, we expect to:
- Promote active citizenship among young people we work with;
- The development of solidarity, tolerance and mutual understanding among young people from different countries;
- Overcoming distrust of cultural differences and individual differences;
- The creation of new partnerships and networks to strengthen and deepen cooperation with existing partners;
- Exchange of good practices,
- Know the ways and methods of activating youth groups,
- Sharing the results of the project worked out with the local community in their countries, in circles close to the activities of individual organizations and for this purpose we will use a variety of tools: television, magazines, radio, Internet, talks,
- Publicity of the effects of our research and thoughts as well known and proven methods in school environments (which mostly based partner organizations).

Kandideerimiseks täida ANKEET ja saada see aadressile Kandideerimistähtaeg - ASAP!

Osalejad leitud!

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